Late last week, I set up checkups for Jamie, Kellen and myself. I also asked him to look at Ryan's blinking/itchiness. Ryan weighs 36lb, 36" - square child. Dr. J suggests a couple weeks of Claritin syrup to see if he's significantly different. Other than that, he doesn't think there's much to be done as long has he doesn't seem to be bothered by it - and he doesn't. He said, "well, how we proceed depends a lot on how much your blood pressure goes up every time you see him doing that."
It's been a very crafty week for Ryan. He's done a lot of cutting paper and gluing it onto other paper. I spent some time cutting pictures from catalogs and handing them to him - he glues them onto his page. At playgroup, his friend T brought some foam stickers - easier to handle and peel the backing off - and when we got home I looked in our closet and found the same type of thing. I had a tub of hundreds, and we're needing that many! He's been sticking these stickers to paper as fast as I can keep him in paper. I love it: crafty, no mess. He even puts his little paper backings in the trash bag beside him.
He's also done some decidedly not-clean art. It's been markers, ftmp, and when the markers come out, Ryan is transformed. Although lions don't have stripes, he covers himself in green or purple lines and warns us that he is a "yion." And he roars loudly. If I'm lucky, there's no marker on his head.
Our friend D has been coming as a Mother's Helper this week - Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for about 2 hours. Ryan is thrilled to have a male person who understands the proper response to being pounced upon. A wrestling playmate is a very good thing. He also takes Ryan out to the trampoline and stands around outdoors with him as long as he likes. Wonderful human being, that D. As a bonus, the big boys have someone to talk with about video games.
Monday, the local mama group met in my living room. It was nice to spend time with some new friends, and startling to realize that my super-toddler-proofed house is not really toddler-proofed for the average 1-year-old anymore. It's Ryan-proofed, really, and that's not the same as any other arrangement one might require for a small child.
The next day was a playgroup at the library, where Ryan worked with the aforementioned stickers, tossed and rolled and practiced sharing the balls someone brought, ate snacks - his own and others', and read books. At the mama group and the library, Ryan became *very* excited about the crowd. He gets a little outta-his-brain, imo, and although he hasn't hurt anyone (phew), he also seems kind of out of control, which can't really feel that great. I don't know.
Jeremiah continues to perfect his cursive handwriting, and it's quite good. He forms the letters easily and correctly. His Harry Potter book is currently missing, so he's been reading other books off the shelf, Mad Magazines from the library, continuing his spelling/vocabulary CD, and watched a video about Jane Goodall this week. He attended hs gym class and scored a goal in his soccer game last Saturday! With saved allowance and a little extra earned from raking leaves, he bought Nintendogs for his Nintendo DS. The puppies on that little handheld game are very realistic and quite adorable.
90lbs, 57" - definitely has better vision in one eye than the other - we're going to get his eyes checked soon.
Jamie scored goals in his soccer game, also raked leaves, and scored goals in his soccer games. Today, scored 2-point goal!
He continues to create new characters for his comic (Jamie, can you remind me of the link and I'll add it here?), and is training his nintendogs to get first place in the agility contests, earning him big virtual bucks. He is a few days away from completing his 6A Singapore book. He'll spend some time today working on math with his friend K, who is at a similar level. He continues with Book Thief, is closing in on the end of Ella Enchanted, and also Eragon. He's participating in the Boomerang Companion writers' group at, and also watched the Jane Goodall DVD.
He's very much looking forward to his birthday, which is the 30th. We'll be partying, however, on the 18th.
15lbs, 10oz, 26" - what a peanut. I don't think he's especially small on the growth charts, but looking back at his next older brother.... peanut.
Kellen is just really happy all the time, unless he's fighting sleep. He doesn't mind short car rides and will smile at anyone who makes friendly eye contact. He's very. curious. Like Jeremiah was as a baby, he sometimes resists sleep/nursing in order to keep looking around. I think he'll be thrilled when he starts to get more mobile and can sit up. Already, he can creep himself quite a distance, but it wears him out.
He is still quite the faucet of drool. Keeping bibs clean and ready is a daily laundry chore.
He usually sleeps soundly and long from 9ish to around 2-3am, at which point he's somewhat restless but not wide awake. Last night, however, he WAS wide awake for about an hour at 3am. Yikes.
hosted mamas group here
made chili/cornbread casserole - yum
finished Memory Keeper's Daughter, very good book
almost finished with Eat, Pray, Love - amazing book, possibly the best I've read this year.
still looking for time/space/method to learn to sew
some collage-y-decoupage-y-hanging decorative things might be coming up. I've got some creative ideas brewing but I'm not sure what it will be.
Evan is up early to work every day, and is enjoying watching a couple of family TV shows - Heroes and the Office. He's coaching the rec league indoor team for both boys, and they're all enjoying that time together. Today they played a great game, ending 7-7.
Last week, Mom was here for a visit and
So fun to read about! But, what's a 2 point goal? Y'all must have different rules than we do...
Posted by: suzee | November 19, 2006 at 11:37 AM
hahaha. I just re-read this and noticed I stopped mid-sentence.
Posted by: amy | November 19, 2006 at 01:11 PM
I play indoor soccor and if you score from behind a certain point on the field you get 2 points. @-@
Posted by: jamie | November 24, 2006 at 09:43 AM