chlock-lit, chock-lick, sherlock-alit... whatever you call it, can R please have more? Because really, we're never going to get around to making s'mores with all that yummy sherlock-alit, so let's just eat it.
Other hard things to say:
A B C D E F G, H I J K enna menno pee
pit and tot (the two things commonly found leaking from baby K's face, in addition to occasional pitup)
piders (scary)
yeddow, often confused with red, for some reason
Things that are not hard to say, thanks to keen hearing and older siblings:
And not so keen hearing:
How big am I? (using tape measure to see how tall we are).... I measure big b*tches!
(that would be inches)
rotfl! oh, those are good.
we always loved how C. would sing:
A, B, C, D,......H, I, J, K, Elmo, P, Cara, S, T, U, V......
M. still has a tough time with "th", making it "f". The other day she said "I will call the first firty 'three-ty' so it doesn't get confused with the second firty". lol...
Posted by: bfmomma | May 22, 2007 at 10:56 AM
omg, that is priceless. Elmo and Cara makes more sense than LMNO and QR, lol.
Posted by: amy | May 22, 2007 at 11:50 AM
So, you're saying that ella menno pee *isn't* right? The things you learn.
He is correct, you will never make those s'mores - live in the moment!
Posted by: suzee | May 22, 2007 at 01:43 PM
Heee. Tocklit is a big hit with my Thing 4 too. But she's got clear as a bell pronunciation when it comes to copying the others. . .
Posted by: stefaneener | May 24, 2007 at 12:07 AM