Our friends from Alabama visited yesterday. The boys miss them a lot! They always seem to pick right up where they left off.
In other pressing news, Ja bought new shoes.
Jeremiah had his first practice last night for his new team. He got a huge workout! I haven't had the chance to ask him if he enjoyed it, but he's certainly going to be learning a lot. The other parents who were there seemed really friendly and helpful. (Evan, I thought to ask about our question wrt tournaments and what is ok to do between games. Robert said nothing usually happens between, and that some coaches even like the boys to not hang out together, because they should really be resting and not running around. fwiw)
[from this point on, this post is for planning purposes - nothing interesting]
I'm thinking ahead about school starting - it's only a few weeks away. I think we'll try a new routine that will accomodate 1.Jamie's new adolescent sleep routine, 2. the availability of our primary childcare helper for Ryan, and 3. the timing of most toddler/preschooler gatherings around town.
Mornings (7-11am) are for housework, playing with littles, storytimes, errands, playgroups.
Middays (11-2) are for book work with the big boys and housework. R visits S and K naps.
Afternoons (2-5) are for finishing up chores (mine and big boys'), preparing dinner, and sometimes Ryan might still be at S until 5:30??
Soccer practices will be in the evenings, at least T/H, and possibly others for rec league.
Friday playgroup from 9-12 - will people attend the Mon/Wed playgroups before noon?
What day will be story time?
Will there be a homeschool phys ed at Sportsplex?
What time is band for Jeremiah? When is art for Jamie?
When will Carlette come?
MWF morning, we have K and J here until 9 or 10am.
Remus John had pirate shoes very like those. He bought them in the late spring. They're now in shreds. They were fun while they lasted.
Posted by: Heather Madrone | August 01, 2007 at 11:40 AM
looks like a good schedule. 2 hours for school, right? considering the time slot, won't that run into lunch and also the actually getting K down for a nap?
Posted by: Katie | August 02, 2007 at 07:49 AM