My camera cord is missing. I don't seem to be able to blog without photos. I've ordered a new one from ebay, so in a few days, get ready for a flood of updates. Briefly, though...
Evan - writing christmas story, watching a lot of football (winning his work pool, no money at stake), enjoying Risk and "that's what she said" jokes with older boys
Jamie - still sculpting, beginning to offer lessons in Photoshop, reading, schooling, PC gaming, playing piano
Jeremiah - suddenly turned on to music, his taste is a unique combination of 80s (eye of the tiger, seriously) and 60s, Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc. Just completed several large school projects related to their study of Egypt, played in his first school band concert, the object of no small amount of female attention, but don't even think about bringing that up.
Ryan - excited to be almost 5, excited about the holidays, coming out of a very long respiratory illness and seeming to respond well to daily allergy meds, which bums me out, but we had to do something. Protective of Kellen, affectionate with all smaller children, enjoying 2x/week play time at Laurie's, can count to a million... not really, but can count high - somewhere between 40 and 80 I think. Still very interested in writing and letters, hasn't expressed an interest in reading. Still extremely, seemingly-uncontrollably curious and "grabby" - so many broken objects. So. many.
We also went to a local holiday shindig - pancakes and santa and crafts - ryan loved that.
Kelly - in a "pretending to be a baby" stage, having little meltdowns daily - loud but not long - when I run out of milk (fairly quickly these days :-( he says "this one's not working." lol.
Amy - still busy with Threshold Choir, NVC group, trying to hang on to my connection with the dharma center but it's just not happening. knitting - I finished that red sweater and the finishing and resulting object was so dreadful I can't even post it, can't even try to correct it. I am knitting hats and toys all winter. And also socks, definitely. Enjoying old seasons of Six Feet Under.
Well, remember, the beauty of knitting is sometimes in the unraveling. I've done that (ask me about my huge purple tweed raglan monstrosity).
It's hard to hold the connections you need in the press of daily life. I'm really struggling too. My middle two are really pushing buttons. . .
Posted by: stefaneener | December 08, 2008 at 04:51 PM