Ryan has conjunctivitis, and his eyes look dreadful. He cries that his eyes hurt; his nose is raw. He spends a good portion of the day with his eyes closed, asking where we are and what we're doing. I dribble breastmilk into his eyes whenever possible, but obviously he's not a fan of that remedy. When K had this last week, it was just one eye, and only 2-3 days. R, though, gets things worse and longer every time, and he's not as tolerant of my attempts to help him get well.
We went to the doctor (again), who recommended some drops and another round of antibiotics - it was for strep a couple of weeks ago. Poor bunny... when did we become a pink-medicine family?
The cousins will likely come down with the pox soon, and I'm not at all sure I can bring myself to expose him. I've always felt the vaccine was a silly idea for a disease that most kids weather without all that much suffering. I'm not sure that would be true in this case.
Here he is, pre-pink-eye, giving me the finger.
Nah, I'm kidding. He does have a fairly decent potty mouth, though, thanks to a few around here who don't hold their tongues well (yea, I'm one of them).
Another Ryan update... he's finally memorized Eenie Meenie Miney Moe. Something he can work on with his eyes closed.
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