There is a new local hs group starting in this town and the next one over - much saner driving than the last group we joined. So far, we've been to a board game day. The kids were younger than Jeremiah, although I know of at least one family that didn't make it that day with a girl his age who I think he could enjoy.
Dentist - Jeremiah and Ryan and I needing work done, wah. Not a lot but still anxiety-producing for me.
Did I post about bowling? I've got some bowling pictures and a video coming up but the camera is nowhere to be found again. We bowled with WILC. Ryan and Jeremiah had a good time.
Soccer all the time. Jeremiah is on two teams, and has soccer every day this week. He's pretty overwhelmed but is improving and seems to want to continue, even though he can be unhappy about it in the moment. His team (and he) played very well in the soccer tournament this weekend. We thought they had made the finals but then one team had a big upset and it ended up coming down to goal differentials, and they missed out by one goal. Bummer, but it did result in only a 75% loss of our weekend rather than a complete weekend slurp, since they didn't have to go back for the 4th match.
Jamie is very unhappy with his OWL class. He had to wear a pregnancy suit and care for a fake baby during the time of the class. It seems the camraderie and mutual respect is breaking down in that group, at least for Jamie.
Today, our kitchen is being painted. We're going to try to stay out of the house a lot and will probably go for a field trip to the newish mall that opened last year. I think it has some outdoor water play place and Jeremiah is hoping for an arcade. I'd like to get back to listening to books on tape in the car, to give our fluffy not-so-academic outing a bit of redeeming value.
Right now, Jeremiah and I are working our way through the City of Ember series - I just finished The People of Sparks and JJ is midway through Ember. I've been basically meeting my reading goals this year, but not posting much since starting to use GoodReads - I'd like to link to my book list but I think you might need to log in for that. It's a very helpful site for keeping track of to-read books, sharing your reading with others and getting suggestions.v
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