In our lovely village, there is a tree downtown sporting a new sweater. Perhaps you read about it in the news. I haven't had the chance to add anything to it, but it's a joy to see when I make my trips into town for groceries.
But seriously, if you're at all impressed by this, you will also enjoy this one, crocheted by a woman in Northern Ohio.
After seeing this, I googled around and found this tree sweater, which is definitely good for a chuckle after viewing these huge feats. Be sure and scroll down to see the picture of this baby tree sweater on the magazine, and check out the little orange starburst. I'm dying to know what that article's about.
On the one nice day we had, the boys discovered the overly-masoned back porch. Everyone who sees is has a very wow reaction to this porch. It is very large, and well, it's an enclosed porch which is a wow to begin with, but man... all that brick and limestone is just so permanent. So, we'll probably try to reuse the limestone benches for some other purpose and have them removed so we can use regular porch furniture back there. The wood stove/grill is apparently quite a hazard. I do hope we can find some way to use it as a wood stove so that we can extend the three seasons this room is useful.
This was the first little corner of the house to feel settled and tidy. It was a small oasis in a sea of chaos and boxes.
Unfortunately, it remains one of the few picked-up areas. As soon as the moving-in status arrived at UnpackedEnoughToFunction, I started getting back into the routine I largely abandoned when this whole selling/moving ordeal began: bread-baking, knitting, cooking meals, playing with the children. And that has been wonderful, except that this moving-in status is quite unfinished and really must end soon. We are not the types who can keep unpacking boxes for months. So, this weekend... focused box-emptying. But for now, it means more nice pictures.
Knit with knitpicks wool, using the Cisco pattern from Berroco. The little ears turned out more like tiny horns than perky ears, but I like it anyway.
First bread of the new house (made with a new stand mixer, woot! I love this thing)
The Buddha's (probably temporary) home in the front bay window. The kids enjoy sitting up there with him (and they never, ever, leap from the window onto the couch, of course). I happened to get this picture as the cross-country kids ran by; we have a steady stream of pedestrians on this road as we did on our old street. A decidedly different generation of pedestrians, however. We lived previously on the favorite walking street for seniors; now we're near the school.
We are here! The kitchen is 95% unpacked, bathrooms 50%, upstairs bedrooms 50%, play room done but not well-sorted, and the living room and garage are disasters! We need for March 12 to come quickly! There is drilling and hammering going on in the basement, so that the big boys will have bedrooms. Pics to come, also an actual knitting FO! Must wait for it to dry (blocking) so I can put it on the recipient for the photo.
First, two current updates:
1. Ryan is using the toilet consistently as long as he is bare from the waist down. It's a start. Unfortunately, he got a bit sidetracked today in the bathroom and when Evan went in to look after him, he had gobbled half a travel-sized tube of toothpaste. Mint. With flouride. I have no idea what goes on in that fluffy head, but his sweet little self sat on the couch for about 2 hours, miserably, before vomiting up the freshest smelling puke you could ever meet. It was minty. He fell asleep after that, for about 2o minutes, woke up, and proclaimed "mama! I'm normal now." Is that so?
2. Since the last post 2 weeks ago, Kellen has started saying more words than I can count. Off the top of my head, he says everyone's names (Meemee, Mimah, Ryee, mama and daddy), water (watee), ball, bowl, banana, apple, socks... He is also signing more and more - he love the signing video and asks for music to be played every day. He is also obsessed with playing at the sink or in the bath.
Now, this is going so far back, that I'm not even going to try to guess (ahem, November) how behind I am.
I have actually still been knitting, although not a lot. Also crocheting. Jamie has been enjoying taking photos of small objects at close up range, and he got this very nice shot of me in the act of crocheting a Christmas stocking. I didn't get a photo of the FO, but check back next December and it will turn up.
Well, it's taking forever for photos to load tonight so I'm already tired of this. I'll add two more before I go, though, for the grandparental units who are away.
Did you know Tracey Ullman knits? And has a book?
I almost didn't even bother to check this out of the library, because it looks like a book full of gimmick patterns or something - the selection for the cover was odd, I thought. But. The patterns in this book look great! I haven't tried anything yet but I'm going to. There were several that look very interesting - or at least, are just my style - and the writing is witty. The photos were a treat, too.
I've been looking for a pattern like this for a long time! Most coffee cup sweaters are just tubes that slide over a take-out cup of coffee, but this will work for my mugs with handles.
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