This summer, I spent time working with the committe to start the Yellow Springs Montessori School. We have been working on grants, planning location, interviewing teachers, and fundraising with bake sales and nacho-making at Blues Fest.
As well, patti D called me to see if I'd like to help her with marketing her music CDs and shows, and we've started that work. Very part time and slow to progress, which works fine for me right now.
Lynn H, Amanda B, Caryn D and some others tried to get together weekly to play soccer - just girls and women. It didn't exactly take off, but next year I hope we'll start earlier in spring and get a good group going strong.
I also attended the YSDC book discussion group in June and July. We read Buddhism in America, and Robert P led a very interesting discussion each week. Attending from Columbus were Ed P and Jan, and I became interested in attending that center after these discussions. I had reached a point of frustration with practicing meditation without a teacher, and KTC has a resident teacher. I attended without strong expectations of anything other than beginning the search. As it turned out, I found what I needed quite obviously, and have been attending since then. My first visit was July 19 and my first time speaking with LKW (phone) was on the 23rd. I'm keeping track of this stuff more on the other blog...
My camera cord is missing. I don't seem to be able to blog without photos. I've ordered a new one from ebay, so in a few days, get ready for a flood of updates. Briefly, though...
K: nursing less (plugged duct/infection to show for that), talking more, daddy-love all the time, can spend long periods at the kitchen sink playing, never forgets his vitamin.
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